Millions of Americans have their identities stolen every year, resulting in fraudulent accounts being opened with their personal information and billions of dollars in losses. In the same way, every year, many Christians allow their identities to be stolen. Situations, people, and circumstances have a way of stealing our peace of mind causing us to forget who we are.
The enemy knows that there is a heavenly hedge of protection over you and your life (Job 1:10). He knows exactly who you are and what you are capable of, which is why he tries to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) the things God has given you. God has given you the victory over the attacks of the enemy and provided you with a spirit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22).
The enemy is after your peace of mind. His main objective is to make you feel condemned, anxious, and unloved because it is during these times of doubt that we feel the most apart from God. So, if he can steal your joy in God, he can change the way you identify yourself. When we identify ourselves by our condition and not by who God says we are, we start living a fraudulent life.
Those who commit identity theft and fraud spend lavishly because they are spending someone else’s money. The enemy wants us to spend the currency of this world lavishly. He wants us to spend our time and resources on sex, drugs, gossiping, and complaining. He wants us to compare our lives to others and covet what they have. He wants us to invest into complacency and negativity because when we do, we lose ourselves.
Identity theft has become so prevalent that many businesses now offer theft protection. These businesses offer to monitor and protect your identity from being stolen. As believers, we have protection from the enemy’s attempt to steal our identity – it comes in the form of the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). We know that in Jesus’s mighty name, we have already overcome this world and the enemy’s attacks (John 16:33). Do not compromise your beliefs to become someone you were not called to be. You were called to make a difference; you were made to achieve God’s plan for your life, and you should remain confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). When the enemy tries to convince you that you are something you are not, stand firm in God’s word and protection. Be courageous. Be strong (John 16:33).
Your bank insures and replaces your money in the case of fraud and identity theft. Similarly, God took out an insurance policy over your life when He sent His son to die for your sins. Everything stolen from you in the last season of your life will be given back to you by God. No matter what you have done or said, God still loves you and still has a plan for you.
So, go ahead and claim your identity back.