If you had an old jacket that was dirty, torn and undersized and received a new jacket that was clean, protective and comfortable which one would you wear? This may seem like an imprudent and obvious question to ask, but many of us choose to cover ourselves in the old (familiar ways of thinking, speaking and acting) instead of embracing the new. Once we accepted Christ as our savior we became a new creation – the old has passed away and a new life has come!
The transition from old to new can be a difficult one, but it’s a necessary journey all believers must endure in-order to receive the abundant life Christ promised us. To live for Christ means we must die to this world and just as Jesus was pressed, crucified and resurrected so are we.
The Pressing: Before the crucifixion, Jesus took his disciples to Gethsemane (place of pressing). He said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Yet, as he sweat drops of blood and prayed to God to take his burdens away his disciples slept. In this life, you are going to go through some trials and tribulations alone and may even ask God to take them away, but remember His grace is sufficient for you and His power is made perfect in your weakness. Embracing the new means trusting God and his ways even when they lead you to your cross (suffering).
The Crucifixion: As Christ was dying on the cross he declared, “it is finished”. With those three words, all our sins were forgiven. Whatever it is you’re struggling with know that Christ has already defeated it. Fear, worry, doubt, lust, anger, jealousy, sickness, disease and death have no power over you. Embrace the new, confident, loved and favored version of yourself that Christ sacrificed himself for.
The Resurrection: Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. Live and embrace your new life in Christ. When Christ rose, he left the grave (dead things) behind. What are the dead things in your life that you need to leave behind? Leave that tired relationship behind, leave those petty people behind, leave the condemnation, negativity and apprehension behind. You are forgiven, you are loved and a brand-new person in Christ Jesus. Live by Faith, trusting and believing that the same God who gave His only begotten Son for your life will surely take care of you.
Christ said that, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Resurrection is not an event it is Jesus and when He got up you got up too! Embrace your new life in Christ, forgetting what is behind and looking forward to what lies ahead.