A significant event recorded in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) is the Transfiguration of Jesus. To transfigure, is to change the appearance of a person, usually in a very positive and often spiritual way. On the Mountain of Transfiguration, Jesus became radiant in God’s glory and God spoke his love and approval onto Christ.
There is a level of grace and favor attainable to us all that far few Christians achieve. As believers, we oftentimes allow ourselves to get stuck in the blessings of the day instead of trusting God for a better tomorrow. God wants us to level up, to seek Him on a level beyond our current understanding. Leveling up requires us to wait on the Lord, obey his commands and surround ourselves with like-minded individuals.
- Wait: As Christians, it is difficult serving a God who can speak a word and change our situation in an instant but who often takes up through the steps of life to teach us lessons in humility, patience, faith and love. Elevation is a spiritual process that requires us to humble ourselves before the Lord, so that he may exalt us.
- Obey: Jesus led Peter, James and John up the mountain. They were instructed by God to listen to Christ. Obedience is essential for elevation. It is natural for us to want to follow our own path – believing that we have all the answers, but if we obey God’s commands he will order our steps and take us higher.
- Affiliation: Jesus only chose three of his disciples to go higher with him, not because he loved them anymore than the rest of his disciples, but Jesus understood that everyone is not ready to elevate with you. Associate yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who are going to encourage and be there for you in the valley and on the mountain top.
Christ said, “that I’ve come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” Abundant living isn’t about things or people it’s about relationship, about walking with God on a level that no matter what you’re going through you’ll still seek and praise him knowing that he will work all things out for your good. Elevate with God through Christ and He will take you to a level that you never imagined.