– John 7:24 GNT
I enjoy cooking. Now, my wife may tell you that I cook the same five meals all the time, but nevertheless I enjoy it. When preparing a meal, I discovered that there is nothing more important than using proper measurements. Too much or too little of an ingredient can alter the appearance, taste and your opinion of a dish.
Have you ever mismeasured God? Have you ever thought He was in a relationship that He was not in, or have you ever left Him out of an important decision? Did your mismeasurement lead to an outcome that you were not expecting? Inaccurate measurements of God will leave you spiritually disillusioned.
We often measure God through tangible things, through the things we can see and touch. So, the car, spouse, children, job and money become the way in which we quantify God’s love for us. Those mismeasurements will alter the way we see and experience God because eventually we will lose what we idolize.
- If Joseph had measured God’s purpose in the pit, he would have quit before the palace.
- If Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had measured God’s existence when they were thrown in the fiery furnace, they would have missed His presence in the flames.
- If the 5,000 had measured God’s power by the two fish and five loaves of bread they would have missed His provision.
- If Mary and Martha had measured God’s affection by His perceived absence, they would have missed resurrection.
- If the woman with the issue of blood had measured God’s word by her condition, she would have missed her healing.
- If the man blind from birth had measured God’s miracles by his sight, he would have missed the light of the world.
Do not measure God’s love, grace and mercy by what hurt, frustrated and humiliated you. If you do, then you will miss who He is and the abundant life He wants to give you.
Where I would use a measuring cup, a veteran cook uses experience. How you measure God today, is based on how you previously experienced Him. If you witnessed Him be healer, comforter and provider before, then when difficult times arise, you can take heart in knowing that He will be those things again. God is willing to do more in your life than you can ask or imagine if you measure Him correctly.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” – Hebrews 12:28 NIV