In mathematics, formulas are used to solve complicated problems. If you want to find the slope-intercept of a line, you would use y=mx+b. Or, if you want to find the length of one side of a triangle, you would use the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2. To get your answers, all you have to do is insert numbers into the formula. As Christians, we often treat God like He is a math problem where we insert “righteous” behavior to receive an answer to our prayers.
I am especially guilty of this, and if you are honest with yourself, you may find that you are too! Often times, we find ourselves tithing hoping for a monetary blessing, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. Or fasting, because we think it will bring about a blessing. Corporate worship, tithing, praying and fasting are all necessary as you build a relationship with Christ. However, when we use these items as a way to “unlock” God’s blessings, instead of a way to build a meaningful relationship with Him, we are doing ourselves and God a disservice.
God is not a genie waiting to grant our wishes. Neither is He a math formula, where we can just input perceived good behavior, and receive a blessing. Before He formed us in the womb, He knew us, before we were born, He set us apart. God knew what we would struggle with, the losses we would endure, the type of help we would need, and life we would live.
So no, God is not a math formula. You will experience hardships, pain, disappointments and loss. It’s during these times that God will comfort, protect and provide for you. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Pursue a relationship with God- not for what He can do for you, but instead for what you can do for Him!
In Loving Memory of Uncle Roderick Moncrief